the nest, grist, est and i choose the love boat

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

the nest
As Tim and I sat in the “nest” drinking coffee recently, as we chewed on the morning grist, he suggested it was time that I write another blog. The nest, by the way, is our overstuffed, well-used, second-hand couch, where we face one another most mornings and evenings, legs outstretched. It is our joint [...]

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Your Ticket May Win You a Shetland Pony

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

True adulthood, or psychological maturity, has become an uncommon achievement in Western and Westernized societies, and genuine elderhood nearly nonexistent. Interwoven with arrested personal development, and perhaps inseparable from it, our everyday lives have drifted vast distances from our species’ original intimacy with the natural world and from our own uniquely individual natures, our souls. [...]

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