Conversations with Todd


I was not in the mood.

I’d just finished reading a narrowly-focused and hugely disconnected technofix article on oil extraction, another article on how the government has been spinning climate change reports, an article on more baby steps being taken with fuel efficiency and emissions standards (when giant leaps are being called for), yet another article on the global boom in coal-fired power generation, and yet another other article on the bone-headed notion of carbon sequestration (totally missing the irony).

Some days I just want to scream.

And then, after four days gone away to who knows where, Todd pops a sticky: so that carbon sequestration thing sounds like a good deal itll stop global warming and help the economy at the same time dont you think i mean it could halve our emissions by 2050 isnt that the sort of thing we need

Do you like people reading over your shoulder? Try having a ghost in your Mac. It’s creepy as hell.

“Where you been, Todd?” I typed.

what do you mean where have I been you just told me to watch the doc again so I did and here I am and youre still reading your email

“That was four days ago.”

no it was two hours ago or a bit more because I read along some of the articles with you too when I got back from your other computer where you keep your movie stored you know you could get rid of a bunch of that unused media I could help you with that

Apparently time is different for Todd. I wanted to follow up on that, but there was something more important to address right away. “Keep your hands off my media files, Todd.”

Another sticky. Blue: sorry

And then, after a moment, another, even bluer: I was just trying to help

I sighed. After four days, I’d begun to hope that maybe Todd had passed through that big bright tunnel in the sky after all, and that he was happily harping with his homies in heaven. No such luck. He was back. To help me. Oh boy. It was time to get to the bottom of that.

“What can you help me with, Todd?” I typed. “And why are you helping me anyways? Who’s this chicken?”

I waited for another sticky. None appeared. After a couple of minutes, I reached out toward my keyboard with the intention of reading more mail. As my hands touched the keys another sticky popped up. This one gray. I pulled back my hands. Then nothing. No words. I reached out again. It was as if Todd was watching my every move. Words appeared: you wont believe me youll laugh youll think Im