New Icon Institutional Licensed DVD Light: Institutional Circulation Rights: For institutions such as universities and colleges, libraries, student groups, museums,media art centers, unions, and national/regional organizations, who wish to loan through their libraries, or include as part of curriculum, we offer an institutional copy of the DVD. Public screening license now sold independently (See below). Questions?
$197 + (shipping/handling)
Usually ships within 24 hours.
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Image for Public Screening License Institutional License Only (No DVD): Institutional Circulation Rights. For institutions such as universities and colleges, libraries, student groups, museums,media art centers, unions, and national/regional organizations, who wish to loan through their libraries, or include as part of curriculum, we offer an institutional license for the DVD. Community/Public screening license sold independently (See Below). Questions?
$183 + (no shipping/handling)

Image for Public Screening License Community/Public Screening License: License Only. Single public performance screening rights: for individuals, non-profits, institutions, organizations who wish to screen the film for a community audience (less than sixty people) where no admission is charged (donations may be requested). Authorization for single public display of the film will be emailed to you.
$50 + (no shipping/handling)

To purchase screening rights for larger audiences (more than sixty people), please contact us