Douglas Crawford Brown

“Our watersheds in the United States have been so highly developed that even small changes in the amount of water that falls are beginning to cause large implications for society’s availability of water.”

Dr. Douglas Crawford-Brown is interested in all aspects of research and teaching related to the development of policies for mitigating the risks of environmental change, including - but not restricted to - climate change.

Some of his research themes are:
Built Environment
Research, education and engagement activities focus primarily on the implications of the built environment for sustainability and climate change, including energy use, carbon emissions, water use and indoor air quality.
Climate Change
Research, education and engagement activities focus primarily on assessment of mitigation and adaptation strategies associated with the built environment, and on decarbonisation of the global economy. This includes provision of advice to nations and businesses world-wide on development of institutional capacity to respond to climate change.
Research, education and engagement activities focus on human health risk assessment for water-borne contaminants; cost-benefit analysis of water policies; and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for water provision.
(From the University of Cambridge Environmental Initiatives website.)